Mission Log
SDU Galaxy has since its inception achieved many goals, as well as participated in many events, helt various workshops, and continue to participate and host educational activities. This mission log thus details our jurney through the years.
Stardate: 2023-10-11 | Galaxy Rover talks at HCA Airport
The Galaxy Rover was present at an educational event at the HCA Airport where students came to see and learn about drones and both hear about and see some projects.
Stardate: 20220831 | Radar Cross-section measurement at SDU Sønderborg
A radar cross section of a model of the Disco 1 satellite was measured at SDU Sønderborg, this was to be used in calibration of space debris measuring radars, to be able to accurately find and classify previously unknown or lost pieces of debris.
Stardate: 20220716 | DISCO at Folkemødet Bornholm
Folkemødet Bornholm is a big festival for politics, green ideas and much more. the DISCO team attended the festival and gave talsk about the DISCO project, as well as hosted a "build your own antenna" workshop.
Stardate: 20220527 | DISCO at Odense Havnekulturfestival
DISCO team mebers attended Odense Havnekulturfestival where they had a booth to showcase the DISCO project. Furthermore, a big part of the festival was science, where the team members got to meet some curious people interested in space and the project.
Stardate: 20220324 | National Space Conference 2022
Mads Toudal Frandsen and Nicolai Iversen at the Nationa Space Conference in 2022, where they got to meet danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen, who is actually involved with the Danish Student Cubesat Program (DISCO).